Turning off Refrigerators: Benefits, Precautions and Recommendations

It is safe to turn off a refrigerator when it is not in use, such as when going on vacation or moving to a new home. However, it's important to properly clean and prepare the refrigerator before turning it off to avoid mold and bacteria growth.

Before turning off the refrigerator, it is recommended to:
  1. Empty all food items and remove any shelves or drawers.
  2. Clean the interior thoroughly with warm soapy water and allow it to air dry.
  3. Leave the doors slightly ajar to prevent mold and odors.
If the refrigerator will be turned off for an extended period of time, it is recommended to disconnect it from the power source to prevent potential electrical hazards.

On the other hand, keeping a refrigerator constantly on ensures that food is stored at safe temperatures, reducing the risk of foodborne illness. This is why it is recommended to always keep a refrigerator plugged in and running.

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