The True Meaning of Wealth and Happiness

True wealth and happiness cannot be found in material possessions, but rather in satisfying one's needs and desires, and finding contentment within oneself.

A person who is never satisfied with what they have and always wants more, much like a person who is thirsty and can never drink enough water to quench their thirst, is considered "poor" not in terms of material wealth, but in terms of their emotional and psychological well-being.

On the other hand, a person who has a sense of peace and contentment within their heart is considered happy, and true wealth lies not in material possessions or financial resources, but in finding contentment and satisfaction in life.

A person who is inactive and does not take steps to fulfil their desires or find meaning in life is merely "alive," but they are not truly living and experiencing all that life has to offer.

A person who takes action to fulfill their desires, find inner peace, and live a meaningful life, will have the strength and ability to overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness in the world.

In conclusion, True wealth and happiness come from within and that a life without purpose or effort is unfulfilling. Embrace the journey and take action to find fulfillment and inner peace, and you too can conquer the world.

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