12 Houses in Vedic Astrology

  1. The First House (Ascendant or Lagna): This house represents the individual, their body, personality, and overall approach to life.
  2. The Second House: This house represents wealth, money, possessions, and material resources.
  3. The Third House: This house represents communication, learning, siblings, and the immediate environment.
  4. The Fourth House: This house represents home, family, roots, and emotional security.
  5. The Fifth House: This house represents creativity, self-expression, children, romance, and pleasure.
  6. The Sixth House: This house represents health, service, work, and daily routines.
  7. The Seventh House: This house represents partnerships, marriage, business relationships, and open enemies.
  8. The Eighth House: This house represents transformation, secrets, power, inheritance, and death.
  9. The Ninth House: This house represents higher education, religion, travel, philosophy, and spirituality.
  10. The Tenth House: This house represents career, reputation, social status, and public life.
  11. The Eleventh House: This house represents social networks, friends, goals, and aspirations.
  12. The Twelfth House: This house represents solitude, retreat, spirituality, karma, and hidden enemies.

The position of the planets and other celestial bodies in these houses can provide insights into different areas of life and the potential challenges and opportunities that may arise in each of them.

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